The following plan is a combination of recommendations by Peale Piper & the Otherworld Theatre Board.
Restorative Justice / Moderation / Mediation
Upon completion of the HR audit and once the findings have been shared with the community, inform and engage with the community
Engage in a restorative process directly with individuals within the community with those that are ready to do so
Otherworld Board and Principals will be reaching out to some individuals directly and others with the assistance of the Center for Conflict Resolution, who will provide mediators as desired.
Obtain HR Professional
Select & Announce HR company
We have hired EmPower HR to audit, develop and evolve our HR process, protocols and documentation
We are finalizing a contract agreement with an external HR consultant who will become our new on-going company & employee manager of HR affairs
Executive Training/Coaching
Otherworld has already engaged with an external leadership training organization to begin training for senior staff and Board members
The first segment of this training was completed in February, and future trainings have been scheduled for over the summer
Work with EmPower HR / HR consultant to develop & implement individual, management and leadership trainings
Identify and work with additional training orgs & groups to bring in additional training for ensemble, staff, leadership and Board
Trainings advised for Principals, Board and select Leadership
Employment Law for Managers
Supervisory/Management Basics
Leadership Skills Training - Underway
Emotional Intelligence Skills Training - Underway
Harassment Training
Diversity and Inclusion Training
Leadership Roles
Tiffany Keane Schaefer
Retains title as Founder
Board Seat - Remains Ineligible
Artistic Director title (reinstated by Otherworld Theatre Board)
When performances or rehearsals begin, at least initially, a Board member or appointed individual will audit rehearsals and performances
The Board will be looking for ways to move more operations functions to a new role as one of the main takeaways is that doing too many things means things like communication, etc. will suffer. Temporarily, she may need to help with other roles until additional people can take over those roles. She is expected to collaborate with the Board to be more transparent on challenges/needs/over-utilization and for help prioritizing to avoid similar problems to those outlined in this document. We have also discussed adding support/additional role(s) for managing Moonrise Games versus Otherworld Theatre productions
Role & Responsibilities within Moonrise Games will continue as-is but will be re-evaluated and re-defined
Focus continually on personal & professional leadership, business acumen, and empathy training with new training programming
Dylan Schaefer
Provisionally reinstated as Development Director
Board Seat - Now Ineligible going forward
Performing with Otherworld & within Otherworld spaces is on hiatus
Focus on personal & professional leadership, business acumen, and empathy training and until such time as a performance need arises again
Focus is now on Back of House duties (grants, finances, programming, development, training, fundraising)
Restructure Leadership / Role Definitions / New Roles & Responsibilities / Org Chart
Restructure Board roles and expand membership with a focus on diverse representation
Restructure Leadership requirements for senior staff
Redefine/Create new Roles & Responsibilities to help supplement senior leadership
Restructure Ensemble requirements, update ensemble contracts, and redefine ensemble roles and expectations
Restructure requirements for residents, contractors, renters
Restructure Ensemble requirements, update ensemble contracts, and redefine ensemble roles and expectations
Restructure requirements for residents, contractors, renters​​
Hire Operations ManagerHire/Engage someone to take over Administrative responsibilities
Otherworld will explore options; due to limited budgets and immediate demand it is not a top priority
Explore potential for Facilities Management or incorporate into an Operations Manager position
Evolve from Chicago Theatre Standards
Evaluate & Integrate CTS as needed, while also defining our own builds and variations
Rework Concern Resolution Path and integrate external human resources consultant
Work with EmPower to develop customized standards for Otherworld
Policy & Procedure Manuals
Develop comprehensive employee handbooks, anti-harassment policies, and include language around mission, vision, values, expectations
Build a Culture of Recognition, Honesty, Vulnerability
Volunteer, Contractor, Ensemble, Staff Models
Rework the structure of the theatre and explore ways that the company can rely less on a volunteer model moving forward
Rework how people are paid, benefits
Revise contracts to ensure clarity and equity